How Old Is the Universe?
Letter Size Tract—Tri-fold
Copyright © 2001 James L. Melton
Suggested Donation: 8 cents each
For the past century, educational institutions throughout the world have been teaching the theory that the earth, our solar system and the universe are billions of years old. This entire theory (which is taught as fact) was developed in order to allow eons of time for Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. With no proof whatsoever, educators are deceiving hundreds of millions of students by presenting this theory as a scientific fact which should never be questioned by any intelligent person. Students everywhere are intimidated into believing this unproven and unscientific theory because they either don’t know the proper questions to ask their teachers or they are scared to ask. Consequently, as the years roll by, fewer and fewer people show any respect at all for what God’s word says about the origin and age of the universe. The professional paid liars in the schools have succeeded in brainwashing our society into thinking of the Bible as an unreliable source for scientific information.
If you have been led to believe that the earth is billions of years old, I ask you to not discard God’s word so quickly because you will need somewhere to turn when you see how unreliable your educators were.
Evolutionists generally use five different methods in determining the age of matter:
(1) Salt content in the oceans
(2) The deposition of sediments
(3) The rate of soil erosion
(4) The disintegration of radioactive
(5) Libby’s Carbon 14 experiment
Problems can be found with all of these methods (especially when one factors in the Genesis flood!), but the biggest problem is the fact that the evolutionists have practically ignored a sixth method, the study of half lives.
The study of half lives is where one figures the current rate of decay or deterioration of something and then figures backwards to see how long this process could have been going. Naturally, this allows one to estimate an approximate age for the thing being studied. For example, if a man’s odometer doesn’t work on his car, he can still figure approximately how far he has traveled if he knows how many miles his car will run on a gallon of gasoline. He simply multiplies his miles per gallon by the gallons missing from his tank. The dating of matter works much the same way, but evolutionists do their best to steer clear of this field of study because it poses a serious threat to their religious conviction that the universe is over four billion years old. Let’s consider a few examples.
How Big Was the Sun Anyway?
The sun is continuously burning at a rate of about five feet per hour. This means the sun decreases over 43,000 feet in size per year. That’s over eight miles per year or eight hundred miles per century. Only 100,000 years ago the sun would have been TWICE its current size! This alone would destroy the gravitational balance which keeps the earth just the right distance from the sun. Looking back to only 20,000,000 years, the sun would have been large enough to touch the earth and burn it to a crisp! Nevertheless, evolutionists expect us to believe that the universe is BILLIONS of years old.
Interplanetary Dust
Due to meteors and meteorites, it is believed that interplanetary dust accumulates upon the earth at the rate of at least fourteen million tons per year. If the universe is 4.5 billion years old, as the evolutionists claim, then there should be over five hundred feet of “space dust” on the moon. In fact, before man landed on the moon, many scientists expressed fears of the astronauts sinking into hundreds of feet of dust. Isaac Asimov said, “I get a picture therefore, of the first spaceship, picking out a nice, level place for landing purposes, coming in slowly downward tail-first, and sinking majestically out of sight.” (Science Digest, January, 1959, p. 36) When the astronauts landed, less than an inch of dust was present! This amount could have accumulated in only a few thousand years.
Sirius the Red Star
Modern scientists who believe in evolution teach that at least one hundred thousand years are required for a red giant star to change into a white dwarf. Sirius is clearly a white dwarf today, but only 2,000 years ago astronomers recorded that Sirius was a RED star.
Encyclopedia Britannica boldly states that, “The Sun is destined to perish as a white dwarf. But, before that happens, it will evolve into a red giant, engulfing Mercury and Venus in the process. At the same time, it will blow away the Earth's atmosphere and boil its oceans, making the planet uninhabitable. None of these events will come to pass locally for several billion years.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, CD 97, Article: Stars and Star Clusters)
This process takes several billion years, does it? Why then did Sirius “evolve” from a red giant to a white dwarf in only 2,000 years?
How Far to the Moon?
Each year the moon recedes a few inches further from the earth. Going back a few thousand years this would only place the moon less than one mile closer to the earth. However, calculating back over 4.5 billion years the moon would be so close to the earth that the tides would have eroded away the continents.
The Earth’s Magnetic Field
The half life of the earth’s magnetic field is believed to be about 1,400 years. That is, only 1,400 years ago our magnetic field was twice as strong as it is today. Less than 100,000 years ago our magnetic field would have been stronger than the sun! Imagine what it would have been like 4.5 billion years ago!
The Population Problem
Why are there only six billion people on the earth, a number which could easily be reached in just a few thousand years? Since 1900, the earth’s population rose from about three billion to six billion. If men have been on the earth for millions of years, why isn’t the population at least a trillion?
High Speed Planet
The spin cycle of the earth is gradually slowing down, so it has historically spun faster. The further back one calculates the faster the earth spins. A few thousand years back doesn’t present a problem, but a few million years would have the planet spinning so fast that it would have spun itself into a flat pancake!
Other Considerations
If the earth is 4.5 billion years old, then why does ocean floor sediment account for only a few thousand years?
The oldest living coral reef is less than 4,200 years old. This makes perfect sense when one takes into account the fact that the Genesis flood occurred about 4,400 years ago and would have killed all such life forms.
The oldest living trees in the world are the bristlecone pines of the desert mountains in California and Nevada. Why can’t someone find an older tree? Maybe it’s because the Genesis flood washed out all the trees less than 5,000 years ago.
Why are the oldest actual historical records less than 6,000 years old if humans like us (homo sapiens) have been on earth over 100,000 years as the evolutionists teach? A biblical creationist has no problem with only 6,000 years of records because this is precisely the amount of time accounted for in the Bible, but how can evolutionists explain this?
Scientists generally agree that comets are as old as our solar system. The dissolution process of short-term comets demands that they would be totally dissipated in about 10,000 years. So how could they be billions of years old?
Other examples could be offered. The evidence is overwhelmingly in support of a young universe. Those who claim otherwise, regardless of their education, are living in a dreamland. These people have made up their minds to make a liar out of God in order to escape accountability to Him. Don’t YOU fall for their deception. Get a King James Bible and read it daily. Its words have been tried and proven by millions of people for thousands of years. You can depend on God’s word to provide you with the REAL answers in life. Unlike your local college professor, the Bible will tell you WHO you are, WHERE you came from, WHY you are here, WHY you suffer and WHERE you are going when you die. Isn’t it about time you took God’s word seriously?
Modern Science in an Ancient Book
Letter Size Tract—Tri-fold
Copyright © 1996 James L. Melton
Suggested Donation: 8 cents each
While carelessly charging into the future, modern man continues to flaunt his education and boast of his many wonderful achievements. While hiding himself behind the skirts of "education" and "progress," man continues to reject God's inspired words as the absolute Final Authority of Truth and Understanding. In doing so, he is making a genuine fool of himself.
This tract has been written to show clear thinking people that God's word is NOT out of date and it is NOT out of touch with modern man. If you've been led to believe that the Bible is nothing more than some sort of a religious devotional guide for old people, children, and sick people, then you should find the following information to be of interest.
All scripture quotations and references are from the King James Authorized Version.
Day And Night At The Same Time
Could it be daytime in America while it is nighttime in China and India? Today we know this to be true, but just a few centuries ago many would have laughed at such a thought.
Does the Bible address this subject? Indeed, it does. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke of His Second Coming in Luke chapter seventeen. In Verse thirty-four He speaks of some people being taken at NIGHT. Then in verses thirty-five through thirty-seven He speaks of this event occurring while people are grinding at the mill and working in the field, both of which are DAYTIME activities. Therefore, the Lord Jesus Himself told us nearly two thousand years ago that the earth CAN have day and night at the same time. The greatest educated minds of that day and time didn't know this, and they wouldn't have believed it if they'd been told, but Jesus Christ clearly revealed it to all who chose to believe the word of God.
The Earth Not Flat
Only five hundred years ago many were convinced that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth, because our planet was believed to be flat.
This suggestion must have sounded rather foolish to the Bible believers of that day, for God had already told them that the earth was a CIRCLE in Isaiah 40:22: "It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth..."
Entropy a Reality
It wasn't until the mid 1800's that Rudolf Clausius proved that the universe is not eternal, but that it is actually DEGENERATING. Today it is commonly accepted by scientists that entropy (unavailable energy) is continually increasing. That is, the universe is falling apart.
Too bad they didn't read their Bibles, because God's word has been declaring this truth for thousands of years: "Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end." (Psa. 102:25-27. Also see Mat. 24:35 and Rom. 8:21-22.)
Eighth Day Circumcision
Doctors today know very well that it is best to perform circumcision on the eighth day of a child's life. On the eighth day there is more Vitamin K and prothrombin present in the blood, which means less pain, less bleeding, and a better healing process. I wonder if they teach Genesis 17:10-12 in medical school?
Biblical Oceanography
Throughout history it has been commonly believed that the ocean floors are basically smooth, like large hollowed-out bowls, but modern oceanographers know better. There are actually thousands of underwater mountains, called sea mounts, some even as high as 10,000 feet. How do you suppose the writer of the Book of Jonah had access to this information in 860 B.C.? Jonah 2:3-6 says, "For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas; and the floods compassed me about: all thy billows and thy waves passed over me. Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. The waters compassed me about, even to the soul: the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped about my head. I went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O LORD my God."
Apart from the tides, most have historically thought the oceans were like large still lakes without current. That is, until the 1800's when Matthew Fontaine Maury discovered RIVERS in the oceans. The Cromwell Current runs over thirteen thousand miles through the Pacific, and the Florida Current has over four thousand times the flow of the Mississippi. These "ocean rivers” were finally discovered because Dr. Maury insisted on believing Psalm 8:8 literally: "The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas."
Today it is estimated that there are some thirty million trillion tons of water trapped beneath the earth's surface, and much of this water makes it's way up to the ocean floors in the form of sea springs. Although this is a fairly modern discovery, the Bible informed us of this thousands of years ago: "Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?" (Job 38:16)
"When he established the clouds above: when he strengthened the fountains of the deep:" (Prov. 8:28)
It is also known today that our ocean floors often contain giant canyons known as submarine canyons. Of course, this is nothing new. David had this knowledge in 1000 B.C.: "And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the LORD, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils."
Earth Suspended In Space
Many of the ancients believed that our planet was actually resting upon the backs of certain large animals, and some even believed that some large person, such as Atlas, was holding up planet earth. Then there were some who believed that planet earth was actually hanging from the sky by a large chain or rope.
Did the Bible-believers of yesterday believe such foolishness? Of course not, because Job 26:7 had already told them what to believe: "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."
Television In The Bible?
"And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth." (Rev. 11:9-10)
Throughout history many infidels have mocked and highly criticized this portion of scripture. The idea has been that it is impossible for "people and kindreds and tongues and nations" to view two dead bodies in Palestine in only three and one half days. There was just no way that the whole world could see one incident in one nation.
Now there IS a way, as God knew there would be when He inspired Revelation 1900 years ago. With the advancement of television, satalites, and network news coverage, the events of Revelation 11:9-10 will be fulfilled with ease.
Other Items Of Interest
In 1800 B.C. we were told that light travels (Job 38:19), the stars produce sound waves (Job 38:7), some stars are "bound" in clusters (Job 38:31), the moon has no light of it's own (Job 25:5), and electricity can be used for communication (Job 38:35).
As early as 1500 B.C. it was recorded that the sun is not the only source of light (Gen. 1:3, 14-16; Psa. 74:16), the earth was originally one large land mass (Gen. 1:9; 10:25; Deut. 32:8), and the stars cannot be counted by man (Gen. 15:5; 22:17; Jer. 33:22).
Now, if the Bible is so archaic and out of touch with modern science, why does it contain this information? Obviously the Bible was written by Someone far superior to modern man. That Someone is God the Holy Spirit Who inspired the sixty-six books of the Bible (2 Pet. 1:20-21). God's word is very "up-to-date," very "scientific," and very reliable.
If you've never read the Bible through, we encourage you to start TODAY. Get acquainted with the greatest Book on earth. After all, you WILL be held accountable to every word found between it's covers (John 12:48; Rom. 2:12; Rev. 20:11-15).
Do You Know Jesus Christ As Savior?
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6)
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
The Lord Jesus Christ has come and PAID for your sins by shedding His own Blood on Calvary. By receiving Him as your Savior, you can be WASHED from all your sins in His precious Blood (Rev. 1:5; Col. 1:14; Acts 20:28; I Pet. 1:18-19). Notice these important words from Romans 5:8-9:
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him."
Jesus PAID your way to Heaven for you! By receiving Him as your Savior, you will be receiving God's ONLY means of Salvation for you. Are you willing to forsake YOUR righteousness and receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, your ONLY HOPE for Salvation? Romans 10:13 says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:9 says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Are you willing to forsake your own righteousness, and trust Jesus Christ alone? He will save you just as He promised. Why not receive Him today? Tomorrow could be too late.
For more information about salvation, please send for a free copy of Understanding God's Salvation Plan.
Fables and Facts about Creation and Evolution
Letter Size Tract—Tri-fold
Copyright © 2002 James L. Melton
Suggested Donation: 8 cents each
Textbooks and encyclopedias throughout the world promote Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution as a scientific fact, yet this theory has never been proven. In fact, as the years roll by, more and more evidence is being gathered in favor of special creation. Friend, have you fallen for one of the biggest fables of our time, the notion that men have evolved over millions of years from lower life forms? If so, please keep reading and learn a few facts that your professor probably didn’t mention.
FABLE: The creation-evolution issue is an issue between religion and science.
FACT: Evolutionists want you to believe that their view is scientific and that creation isn’t. Evolution has never been proven by experi-mentation and observation, so it is not a scientific view. Evolution is just as religious as Creation because both views require faith on the part of their adherents. No one saw God create the universe, and no one saw the “big bang” occur. Both views are religious as far as origins are concerned.
FABLE: Much scientific evidence has been brought forth in recent years in support of evolution.
FACT: Every piece of evidence produced by evolutionists amounts to conjecture, not provable facts. In reality, the true evidence supports creation, not evolution.
FABLE: God used evolution to fill the earth with its numerous life forms.
FACT: The God of the Bible gave specific details of His creation, and these details contradict evolutionary theory over and over again. God’s word says that God created the earth and all that is therein in six literal days. Life forms were ordained to reproduce after their own kinds, and no new life was created after the sixth day (Gen. 1-2). This wholly contradicts the evolution theory which has life continuously evolving with new species being produced by natural processes.
FABLE: Many remains of prehistoric animals have been found which prove the Bible’s young earth record to be inaccurate.
FACT: The word “prehistoric” didn’t exist before the evolutionists invented it to mislead millions of people. All animal remains ever found on earth are the remains of animals which lived from the time of their creation in Genesis 1 until now. None are “prehistoric,” and no scientist can prove otherwise.
FABLE: Scientists have proven the universe to be billions of years old.
FACT: Scientists have proven nothing of the kind. They want the universe to be billions of years old because this allows plenty of time for working in Darwin’s theory of evolution. There are many scientists who do not believe the earth to be over several thousand years old, and there is much evidence to support this theory.
FABLE: The geologic column shows a gradual evolution from simple life forms to complex life forms over millions of years.
FACT: The “geologic column” exists only in the minds of evolutionists and in the books they write. This column is nothing more than a fictional chart filled with impressive little pictures and big words. The chart is only a theory because it has never been proven scientifically.
The simplest life forms are placed at the bottom of the chart because they represent fossils which have been found in the deepest strata. This much is true, but then the fables begin. The deepest strata is presumed to be the oldest strata (never proven), and the various layers of strata represent hundreds of millions of years (never proven).
The fact is that the Genesis flood could have easily created every rock formation known to man, and the simplest life forms would naturally be found in the deepest strata because more intelligent life forms would have managed to survive the flood longer, thus being buried last. Most of the “geologic column” was created in about one year (Gen. 6-8), not billions of years.
FABLE: Radioactive dating methods have proven the earth to be billions of years old.
FACT: Radioactive dating has proven to be unreliable time and time again. Some rocks in Russia have been radioactively dated at 100 million to 10 billion years, yet it is well known that these rocks were formed by volcanos less that 200 years ago. Live mollusk shells have been dated up to 2,300 years old. Basalt from Mt. Etna, Sicily was mis-dated by nearly 250,000 years. Part of a baby frozen mammoth was dated at 40,000 years, while another part was found to be a much “younger” 26,000 years! The wood found around it was estimated to be even younger--10,000 years or less. Radioactive dating methods are anything but a proven science.
FABLE: Comparative anatomy shows that animals and humans have a common ancestor.
FACT: Comparative anatomy shows that animals and humans have a common Designer. Evol-utionists like to limit their comparisons to bone structures, but why stop there? Clouds are 100% water, jelly fish are 98% water, and watermelons are 97% water. Does this prove they all evolved from a common ancestor?
The kidney bean, the redwood tree and the opossum each have 22 chromosomes. Second or third cousins, perhaps?
Humans have 46 chromosomes, which would make us near of kin to the bat (44) and tobacco (48). With a few million years of gradual evolution, we might even catch up with the carp (100) or maybe even the fern (480).
The Darwinians like to compare humans and animals to show similarities, but they limit the comparisons to keep from looking foolish (Rom. 1:22). We have a common Creator and Designer, not a common ancestor.
FABLE: The existence of vestigial organs in humans is proof that we’ve evolved from lower life forms.
FACT: Vestigial organs do not exist. The so-called “vestigial organs” are believed by evolutionists to be parts of the human body that are no longer needed. These body parts are presumed to be "left-overs" from our ancestors, the monkeys. The organs include the appendix, the coccyx (tail bone), the pineal gland, the plica semilunaris, the tonsils, and the ear lobes.
Many medical doctors now agree that all of these organs have important functions in the human body and aren't vestigial in any sense. The appendix contains a rich blood supply which serves as some defense against cancer. The tail bone isn't where a monkey tail used to be, as Darwinians believe, but it instead provides support for the muscles which control elimination. The pineal gland contains important hormones which the body needs. The plica semilunaris helps to keep the eye cleansed of foreign particles. The tonsils help to keep foreign particles out of your child's throat, and they also help in fighting infection. Even the ear lobe has a purpose, for it helps to keep our ears warm during cold weather by providing them with a good blood supply. There are no vestigial organs.
FABLE: The findings of such “ape-men” as Java Man, Neanderthal Man and Lucy are proof that humans have evolved from apes.
FACT: No one has ever found an “ape-man.” A few examples will make our point.
In 1922, some bones were found in Nebraska by a man named Harold Cook. After studying the upper and lower jaws and the teeth of some thirty different animals, a complete ape known as Ramapithecus was constructed. The neatly drawn pictures in the textbooks give the impression that entire skeletons have been found, but this never happened.
Dr. Eugene Dubois discovered the famous Java Man (Pithecanthropus erectus) in 1891. This "great discovery" consisted of a small piece of the top of a skull, a fragment of a left thigh bone, and three molar teeth. But, instead of being found all together, these remains were found in an area of about seventy feet, and they were found over about a year's time. They were also found in an old river bed with other assorted extinct animal bones. This, of course, presents a number of problems for Java Man. How can the "experts" be so sure that these remains all came from the same being? Better yet, how do such bones survive for 750,000 years without decaying? Where's the evidence to prove these theories?
Piltdown man was discovered by Charles Dawson in 1912. Dawson claimed to have found some bones, some teeth, and even some primitive implements in a gravel pit in Piltdown, Sussex, England. He took them to a British museum where anthropologists claimed that they were 500,000 years old. Textbooks throughout the world then proclaimed Piltdown Man as the greatest find to date. Then in October of 1956, Reader's Digest EXPOSED this finding as "The Great Piltdown Hoax." The bones where found to be fraudulent. The jaw bone was proven to have belonged to an ape which had died only FIFTY YEARS before (not 500,000). The teeth had been filed down, and both, teeth and bones, had been discovered with bichromate of potash to cover up their true identity! Piltdown Man is a fraud.
The so-called Neanderthal Man was discovered around 1900 in a cave in the Neanderthal Valley near Dusseldorf, Germany. Naturally, he was hailed as another great "missing link." Since that time, it has been proven that Neanderthal wasn't an ape-man at all. He turned out to be a fully erect human being with a cranial capacity of over 13% more than that of normal man. Today, he is classified as "Homo Sapiens" (completely human) by most all anthropologists.
Finally, we come to Lucy, a 40% skeleton found in Ethiopia by D.C. Johanson in the 70's. Johanson claimed that "Lucy" had walked on two legs, because of the "angle of the thigh bone and the flattened surface at it's knee joint" (National Geographic, December, 1976). However, the knee joint was badly crushed; so Johanson's conclusion is mere speculation. Anatomist Charles Oxnard said "Lucy" did NOT walk upright, at least not in the same manner as humans. The chimpanzee does spend some time walking upright, so this was probably just another ape.
There is simply no proof that apes have evolved into men. Every time a case is presented it soon crumbles in the light of further research. Only the evolutionists with their prejudiced theories cling to such weak “evidence.”
Friend, don’t be like so many others who have fallen for this great deception. You and this entire universe were created by an all-powerful and all-wise God. The Bible (KJV) is the most accurate text book and science book ever produced. Read God’s word daily, and believe every word. After all, “scientists” have been proven wrong time and time again. The Bible has never been proven wrong.
For a closer look at the creation-evolution debate, see The Bible-Believer’s Handbook of Creation Science by this author.
Would you like to be saved?
Friend, the false theory of evolution offers no real purpose in this life, and it offers no hope for an afterlife. Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can truly give eternal life. Do you know Him as your Lord and Saviour?
If you've never received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, why not do so right now? Jesus said that salvation is a new birth, a spiritual birth from God (John 3:3). The salvation of your soul is entirely a spiritual matter. No amount of outward physical acts, such as church attendance, receiving sacraments, confession or being baptized can save you. You MUST be born again. You must come to know the Lord Jesus Christ personally in your own heart. Friend, you need more than a religion: you need a relationship.
John 1:12 tells us how this personal relationship with Jesus Christ is established: "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:" Friend, you must RECEIVE Jesus Christ! He's the one who bled and died for your sins! He's the one who was buried, and then arose again after three days for your justification! Jesus Christ is the one who is currently seated at the right hand of God, waiting for you to trust Him alone to save you. Acts 4:12 tells us, "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." No church, no preacher, no priest, and no creed can save you. You can only be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Will you trust Him today? "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Rom. 10:13)
For more information about salvation, please send for your free copy of Understanding God's Salvation Plan.